
news/2025/2/23 23:14:50
  1. 从官网下载 1.24的源码包 ,尝试过使用git clone 的方式,但速度贼慢,就选择了下载源码包的方式
  2. 安装依赖 sudo apt install libssl-dev g++
meson setup --reconfigure -Ddebug=true --optimization=0 -Dgst-plugins-bad:openh264=enabled -Dgst-plugins-bad:x265=enabled -Dlibsoup:sysporf=disabled -Dgpl=enabled --prefix=`pwd`/opt  builddir

4. 运行完后就是久违的画面

    harfbuzz                   : YES 2 warnings (from gst-plugins-base => pango)
    json-glib                  : YES 1 warnings (from gst-plugins-bad)
    lame                       : YES 1 warnings (from gst-plugins-good)
    libdrm                     : YES 2 warnings (from gst-plugins-base)
    libffi                     : YES 1 warnings (from gstreamer => glib)
    libgudev                   : NO Dependency "libudev" not found, tried pkgconfig and cmake
    libjpeg-turbo              : YES (from gst-plugins-good)
    libmicrodns                : YES (from gst-plugins-bad)
    libnice                    : YES
    libopenjp2                 : YES (from gst-plugins-bad)
    libpng                     : YES (from gst-plugins-base => pango => harfbuzz => freetype2)
    libsoup                    : NO In subproject libsoup: Unknown options: "libsoup:sysporf"
    libsrtp2                   : YES 1 warnings (from gst-plugins-bad)
    libxml2                    : YES 2 warnings (from gst-plugins-good)
    ntv2                       : YES (from gst-plugins-bad)
    ogg                        : YES (from gst-plugins-base)
    openh264                   : YES 1 warnings (from gst-plugins-bad)
    opus                       : YES 1 warnings (from gst-plugins-base)
    orc                        : YES
    pango                      : YES (from gst-plugins-base)
    pcre2                      : YES 1 warnings (from gstreamer => glib)
    pixman                     : YES (from gst-plugins-base => pango => cairo)
    tinyalsa                   : NO Neither a subproject directory nor a tinyalsa.wrap file was found.
    vorbis                     : YES (from gst-plugins-base)
    vpx                        : YES (from gst-plugins-good)
    zlib                       : YES (from gstreamer => glib)

  User defined options
    debug                      : true
    optimization               : 0
    gpl                        : enabled
    gst-plugins-bad:openh264   : enabled
    gst-plugins-bad:x265       : enabled
    libsoup:sysporf            : disabled

Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/bin/ninja
WARNING: Running the setup command as `meson [options]` instead of `meson setup [options]` is ambiguous and deprecated.
  1. 然后执行ninja -C install builddir 开始编译并安装,安装后的内容如下


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