Linux spi驱动框架分析(一)

news/2025/2/23 14:54:44


Linux spi驱动框架分析(一)
Linux spi驱动框架分析(二)
Linux spi驱动框架分析(三)
Linux spi驱动框架分析(四)

Linux spi驱动框架


内核把spi控制器抽象为struct spi_master结构体,设备驱动抽象为spi_driver,spi设备抽象spi_device结构体。
(4)spi core 即i2c core


struct spi_driver {

	const struct spi_device_id *id_table;

	int			(*probe)(struct spi_device *spi);

	int			(*remove)(struct spi_device *spi);
	void			(*shutdown)(struct spi_device *spi);
	struct device_driver	driver;

spi_device ,描述一个spi设备:

struct spi_device {
	struct device		dev;

	struct spi_master	*master;

	u32			max_speed_hz;

	u8			chip_select;

	u8			bits_per_word;

	u16			mode;
#define	SPI_CPHA	0x01			/* clock phase */
#define	SPI_CPOL	0x02			/* clock polarity */
#define	SPI_MODE_0	(0|0)			/* (original MicroWire) */
#define	SPI_MODE_1	(0|SPI_CPHA)
#define	SPI_MODE_2	(SPI_CPOL|0)
#define	SPI_CS_HIGH	0x04			/* chipselect active high? */
#define	SPI_LSB_FIRST	0x08			/* per-word bits-on-wire */
#define	SPI_3WIRE	0x10			/* SI/SO signals shared */
#define	SPI_LOOP	0x20			/* loopback mode */
#define	SPI_NO_CS	0x40			/* 1 dev/bus, no chipselect */
#define	SPI_READY	0x80			/* slave pulls low to pause */
#define	SPI_TX_DUAL	0x100			/* transmit with 2 wires */
#define	SPI_TX_QUAD	0x200			/* transmit with 4 wires */
#define	SPI_RX_DUAL	0x400			/* receive with 2 wires */
#define	SPI_RX_QUAD	0x800			/* receive with 4 wires */
	int			irq;
	void			*controller_state;
	void			*controller_data;

	char			modalias[SPI_NAME_SIZE];

	int			cs_gpio;	/* chip select gpio */

	/* the statistics */
	struct spi_statistics	statistics;



struct spi_transfer {

	const void	*tx_buf;

	void		*rx_buf;

	unsigned	len;

	dma_addr_t	tx_dma;
	dma_addr_t	rx_dma;
	struct sg_table tx_sg;
	struct sg_table rx_sg;

	unsigned	cs_change:1;
	unsigned	tx_nbits:3;
	unsigned	rx_nbits:3;
#define	SPI_NBITS_SINGLE	0x01 /* 1bit transfer */
#define	SPI_NBITS_DUAL		0x02 /* 2bits transfer */
#define	SPI_NBITS_QUAD		0x04 /* 4bits transfer */

	u8		bits_per_word;
	u16		delay_usecs;
	u32		speed_hz;

	struct list_head transfer_list;



struct spi_message {
	struct list_head	transfers;

	struct spi_device	*spi;

	unsigned		is_dma_mapped:1;

	void			(*complete)(void *context);

	void			*context;
	unsigned		frame_length;
	unsigned		actual_length;
	int			status;

	struct list_head	queue;

	void			*state;

	/* list of spi_res reources when the spi message is processed */
	struct list_head        resources;


struct spi_master {
	struct device	dev;

	struct list_head list;

	s16			bus_num;

	u16			num_chipselect;


	/* spi_device.mode flags understood by this controller driver */
	u16			mode_bits;

	/* bitmask of supported bits_per_word for transfers */
	u32			bits_per_word_mask;
#define SPI_BPW_MASK(bits) BIT((bits) - 1)
#define SPI_BIT_MASK(bits) (((bits) == 32) ? ~0U : (BIT(bits) - 1))
#define SPI_BPW_RANGE_MASK(min, max) (SPI_BIT_MASK(max) - SPI_BIT_MASK(min - 1))

	u32			min_speed_hz;
	u32			max_speed_hz;

	/* 用于设定某些限制条件的标志位 */
	u16			flags;
#define SPI_MASTER_HALF_DUPLEX	BIT(0)		/* can't do full duplex */
#define SPI_MASTER_NO_RX	BIT(1)		/* can't do buffer read */
#define SPI_MASTER_NO_TX	BIT(2)		/* can't do buffer write */
#define SPI_MASTER_MUST_RX      BIT(3)		/* requires rx */
#define SPI_MASTER_MUST_TX      BIT(4)		/* requires tx */


	int			(*setup)(struct spi_device *spi);

	/* 如果想采用消息队列机制,注册spi_matser时该成员要设置为NULL
	int			(*transfer)(struct spi_device *spi,
						struct spi_message *mesg);

	void			(*cleanup)(struct spi_device *spi);

	bool			(*can_dma)(struct spi_master *master,
					   struct spi_device *spi,
					   struct spi_transfer *xfer);

	bool				queued;

	struct kthread_worker		kworker;
	struct task_struct		*kworker_task;
	struct kthread_work		pump_messages;

	spinlock_t			queue_lock;
	struct list_head		queue;

	struct spi_message		*cur_msg;


	int (*transfer_one_message)(struct spi_master *master,
				    struct spi_message *mesg);

	/* 这两个回调函数用于在发起一个数据传送过程前和后,给控制器驱动一个
	int (*prepare_transfer_hardware)(struct spi_master *master);
	int (*unprepare_transfer_hardware)(struct spi_master *master);

	/* 这两个回调函数也是用于在发起一个数据传送过程前和后,给控制器驱动
	一个机会,对message进行必要的预处理或后处理,如设定控制器的正确工作时钟、字长和工作模式等 */
	int (*prepare_message)(struct spi_master *master,
			       struct spi_message *message);
	int (*unprepare_message)(struct spi_master *master,
				 struct spi_message *message);


	void (*set_cs)(struct spi_device *spi, bool enable);

	int (*transfer_one)(struct spi_master *master, struct spi_device *spi,
			    struct spi_transfer *transfer);

	void (*handle_err)(struct spi_master *master,
			   struct spi_message *message);

	/* 片选信号所用到的gpio引脚 */
	int			*cs_gpios;

	/* statistics */
	struct spi_statistics	statistics;





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